Hello gorgeous May days!
The weather has been amazing and it will be interesting to experience how this spring progresses. They are all different and, here at Super-Sod, we like to say, "no two springs are alike."
💦 Since our passion is lawns and your warm season lawn will soon need more attentive watering, this is your reminder to irrigate your lawn to provide at least 1" of water every week. We've written a bunch of articles on the topic of watering. Please skim them to brush up on the topic!
>> Read Super-Sod's articles about watering your lawn
Fertilizing Tips
- Our 5-10-30 or 16-4-8 + Iron fertilizer is what to use this spring/summer for Zoysia lawns and Bermuda lawns. Order fertilizer for pick up or delivery or check out our Lawn Coach subscription.
Read the Best Times to Apply Fertilizer >> - Your TifBlair Centipede should be fertilized with very little fertilizer. We have our own special formulation just for it with lower nitrogen: Centipede Formulation 5-10-30 + Iron. Order 5-10-30 for pick up or delivery or check out our Lawn Coach subscription.
Read Fertilizer Tips for Your Centipede Lawn >>
Aerating Tips
- Start your engines! If your lawn is greened up, then it's safe to aerate and topdress with Soil³ compost.
Read How to Aerate Your Lawn >>
Weeding Tips
- The window for pre-emergent herbicide has closed and we're now in the season of post-emergent herbicide in warm season lawns: You can apply post-emergent liquid herbicides for weeds you can see now in established lawns. Read the label and follow instructions.
👍 Rule of Thumb: It's okay to apply a post-emergent liquid herbicide labeled for warm season lawns after you've mowed your new lawn 3 to 4 times. - Pulling by Hand: Is legit. Yes, you can get out there and hand weed. It won't kill you. It's actually nice arm exercise, it's cheaper than chemicals, and sometimes it's even quicker.
- Mowing: Mow those weeds down before they go to seed. Most winter weeds are going to seed & summer weeds are sprouting so get out there with your mower today! Mowing is an effective way to suppress weeds because it cuts off flower/seed heads and that stops weeds from making more weeds, thus breaking the life cycle. If you have bad weeds, mow on a weekly routine and don't let the weeds get ahead of you.
- Mulch suppresses weed seeds in flower beds. Spread your favorite mulch 2-4" thick and keep it 1-2" away from touching the trunks or stems of your plants.
- Youngia becomes more noticeable during the warm days of April and May but, if you’re like me and like to look closely at the ground, you’ll start to notice the basal rosettes on this biennial plant throughout the year. Read more on How to Get Rid of False Hawksbeard
Youngia aka false hawksbeard invading a lawn.
Mowing Tips
Mowing is the most important thing you can do for your lawn so we made an instructional video to inspire you.
Here are your specific Bermuda, Zoysia, and Centipede mowing tips for May:
- Mowing New Sod: Did you lay new sod? Our saying is to "mow as soon as there is something to mow." In fact, mowing will promote growth! So don't be timid. Mow it! Read: How Soon Should I Cut My Grass?
- Mowing Height: There is a healthy range for each type of lawn. Do you know the best height for your lawn? Look them up at: Summer Mowing for Warm Season Grasses
Come back next month for June's Lawn Tips for Warm Season lawns!
If you have a Tall Fescue lawn (the best cool season lawn for the Southeast), read our May tips for Tall Fescue lawns.
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