Weed Control for Lawns

Learn about weed control products and good maintenance practices for a weed-free lawn

Our 4-Pronged Approach to Weed Control

A weed-free lawn is a possibility!

Start with pre-emergent herbicide in February, April, and September and you will see the weeds decline. If weeds escape the pre-emergent routine, we recommend hand pulling, followed by mowing to break the weed's lifecycle, then reaching for post-emergent herbicide only if needed.

Prong 3 - Hand Weeding

This may not be what you want to hear, but hand-weeding is a time-tested option that's clean, green, and cheap, plus it gets you outside and moving around. Hand weeding becomes immensely satisfying because you immediately see the results of your work. I tackle sections one-at-a-time and am always surprised that it goes faster than expected. You can use your fingers for most, but you might need a trowel, one of the many specialized hand-weeding tools, or shovel for others.
Prong 3 - Hand Weeding

Prong 4 - Lawn Weed Control with Post-Emergent

We recommend selective post-emergent herbicide after the above three approaches have been tried. Post-emergent is unavoidable for certain colonizing weeds, such as nutsedge, where the underground roots are impossible to remove through hand weeding.
Prong 4 - Lawn Weed Control with Post-Emergent

Weed Profiles

Let's dig into specific weeds!

Annual Winter Weeds 🥶 🌱

Prevent these winter annuals (approx. 9 month life cycles) from even appearing in your lawn by applying pre-emergent herbicide in SEPTEMBER. If some get past the pre-emergent you can mow to prevent them from flowering and going to seed (yes, mow a dormant lawn if you need to!). Hand pulling is the next best option because post-emergent herbicides don't work well when the temperature is under 65 degrees.
How to Get Rid of Annual Poa Grass Weeds

How to Get Rid of Annual Poa Grass Weeds

How to Get Rid of Dead Nettle & Henbit Weeds

How to Get Rid of Dead Nettle & Henbit Weeds

How to Get Rid of Chickweed Weeds

How to Get Rid of Chickweed Weeds

How to Get Rid of Hairy Bittercress Weeds

How to Get Rid of Hairy Bittercress Weeds

How to Get Rid of Vetch Weeds

How to Get Rid of Vetch Weeds

How to Get Rid of Carolina Geranium Weeds

How to Get Rid of Carolina Geranium Weeds

How to Get Rid of Shiny Cudweed Weeds

How to Get Rid of Shiny Cudweed Weeds

Annual Summer Weeds 🌞🌱

A regular pre-emergent routine in FEBRUARY and APRIL will go a long way in preventing these annual (approx. 9 month life cycles) weeds before you even see them in your lawn. If that fails, you may need to spot weed by hand weeding or spraying with post-emergent herbicide. Again, regular mowing will help prevent them from going to seed and getting even worse.
How to Get Rid of Goosegrass Weeds

How to Get Rid of Goosegrass Weeds

How to Get Rid of Crabgrass Weeds

How to Get Rid of Crabgrass Weeds

Biennial Weeds 🌱

The spread of these biennial weeds (approx. 12 month life cycles) by seed can be prevented with our recommended 3x a year pre-emergent herbicide routine. However, for existing parent plants or colonies, you will have to eradicate them from your lawn by hand weeding or digging, mowing, or an application of post-emergent herbicide.
How to Get Rid of False Hawksbeard

How to Get Rid of False Hawksbeard

Perennial Weeds 🌱

The spread of these perennial (living for several years) weeds by seed can be prevented with our recommended 3x a year pre-emergent herbicide routine. However, you will have to eradicate the parent plant or colony from your lawn by hand weeding or digging, mowing, or an application of post-emergent herbicide.
How to Get Rid of Dallisgrass Weeds

How to Get Rid of Dallisgrass Weeds

How to Get Rid of Rough Bluegrass Weeds (Poa triv)

How to Get Rid of Rough Bluegrass Weeds (Poa triv)

How to Get Rid of Nutsedge Weeds

How to Get Rid of Nutsedge Weeds

How to Get Rid of Violet Weeds

How to Get Rid of Violet Weeds

How to Get Rid of Creeping Charlie Weeds

How to Get Rid of Creeping Charlie Weeds

How to Get Rid of White Clover Weeds

How to Get Rid of White Clover Weeds

When Lawns Invade Other Lawns 🌱

Sometimes one type of turfgrass will invade another type. If that happens, these articles cover the steps you can take for different scenarios.
How to Get Rid of Bermudagrass in Zoysiagrass Lawns

How to Get Rid of Bermudagrass in Zoysiagrass Lawns

How to Get Rid of Bermudagrass in Centipedegrass Lawns

How to Get Rid of Bermudagrass in Centipedegrass Lawns

How to Get Rid of Centipedegrass in Bermuda, Zoysia, & Tall Fescue Lawns

How to Get Rid of Centipedegrass in Bermuda, Zoysia, & Tall Fescue Lawns

Other Lawn Invaders 🍄

How do you get rid of moss and mushrooms? While there are seemingly simple answers out there, the underlying causes are actually complex. We’ll help you explore the best options for treating moss and mushrooms in your lawn (maybe even learning to love them!)
Mushrooms in the Lawn - Good or Bad?

Mushrooms in the Lawn - Good or Bad?

How to Kill Moss in Lawns

How to Kill Moss in Lawns

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