When To Seed
The best time to sow Zenith seeds is in mid-spring after the last frosts are expected.
Your latest summer or fall Zenith seed planting date is best determined by your growing zone. The standard guideline is to plant Zenith seed a MINIMUM of 60 days before you expect the first frost in the fall. If seed is planted too late in your growing season, even if it germinates, it might not have sufficient time to become hardy enough to survive fall and winter conditions.
How Much Seed
Spreading Zenith Zoysia seed at the rate of 1 lb. per 1,000 square feet will produce a good lawn in 2-3 months of summer growth. Using plenty of seed is the least expensive part of establishing a good lawn. "Saving" on the cost of seed results in spending more on watering and weeding.
Calculate the square footage of your lawn without leaving your chair by using Super-Sod's online Lawn Area Calculator.
Or make a sketch of your lot and then measure with a tape the area you wish to seed. Calculate the square feet to be covered by multiplying length times the width of the area. Don't forget to deduct a reasonable amount for buildings, paved drives, and walks.
length x width = square feet of seed coverage needed
Zenith Choices
You can purchase Zenith Zoysia seed online or at your local Super-Sod store:- 2 lb. bag - covers up to 2,000 square feet
- 6 lb. bag - covers up to 6,000 square feet
Why We Don't Like Zoysia Plugs
Besides the lower cost of seeding Zenith Zoysia, there's the time factor. Read more on why we don't sell Zenith Zoysia as plugs: Pull the Plug on Zoysia Grass Plugs!
Caution: Don't use a pre-emergent herbicide!
Do not use any type of pre-emergent or “weed and feed” weed control for at least 90 days before seeding. Such chemicals will inhibit germination or kill the Zenith seedlings as they sprout!
Exception: A non-selective weed killer sprayed to kill existing vegetation during seedbed preparation and before seeding Zenith Zoysia is safe.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Follow this link for DIY instructions + video: How to Seed a Zenith Zoysia Lawn