Tifway 419
Low drought tolerance
A sizable water hog
Fast growth
High tolerance to foot traffic
Sun or Shade? Full sun only. ☀️
Full sun is required - no tolerance to shade.
Tifway Bermudagrass needs 8+ hours of full sun or it will thin out and you'll see bare dirt.
Upgrade from Tifway to TifTuf
TifTuf is a lawn that will pay for itself in reduced water bills
Yup, you're on a Tifway page but we know you'll like TifTuf a lot more. The names are too similar, so slow down for a minute to consider the "Tuf" part. TifTuf is tougher in droughts, greens up earlier in spring, has some shade tolerance, better cold tolerance, better endurance under high traffic conditions, and faster grow back after wear and tear.
Pictured: Tifway (left) and TifTuf (right) during prolonged drought showing a clear line of drought dormancy and beautiful green.
Yup, you're on a Tifway page but we know you'll like TifTuf a lot more. The names are too similar, so slow down for a minute to consider the "Tuf" part. TifTuf is tougher in droughts, greens up earlier in spring, has some shade tolerance, better cold tolerance, better endurance under high traffic conditions, and faster grow back after wear and tear.
Pictured: Tifway (left) and TifTuf (right) during prolonged drought showing a clear line of drought dormancy and beautiful green.

Tifway Bermuda is a Warm-Season Grass
The term "warm season" means it's green during the warm growing season; going dormant after frost. Even though it's dormant during winter, it can still be walked and played on.
Available as sod, Tifway sod can be installed all year long, even during the winter when it's dormant. As a hybrid Bermudagrass, Tifway is not available to grow from seed.
Available as sod, Tifway sod can be installed all year long, even during the winter when it's dormant. As a hybrid Bermudagrass, Tifway is not available to grow from seed.

Tifway 419 Bermudagrass
- Fine textured
- Performs best in full sun
- Poor shade tolerance
- Vigorous-growing lawn
- Requires frequent mowing

Where to Use Tifway Bermudagrass
Tifway Bermuda grass is ideal golf course fairways and tees. It’s also used on football, soccer, and baseball fields due to its ability to recover quickly from wear and tear and to stand up to heat and sun.
- Residential lawns & commercial landscapes
- Medians & roadsides
- Sports turf from golf to football, soccer, rugby, & baseball
- Use Tifway Bermuda for any sod and turfgrass needs for high use or highly visible areas in warm climates. It's hardy from Zones 7b to 11a on the 2012 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map or Zones 1-2 on the Turfgrass Hardiness Map.