Turfgrass Spec Sheet: TifTuf Bermudagrass
- Shade & Tolerance
- Drought & Tolerance
- Traffic Wear & Tear Tolerance
- Maintenance Level
(Time + Dollars)
TifTuf was selected for its drought tolerance and ability to maintain turf quality under drought stress. In our own experience we believe that once TifTuf is established, it will not need irrigation, even during moderate drought. University drought tests have TifTuf consistently ranked as the highest in quality and appearance over time compared to all other Bermudagrasses. It is a sterile hybrid Bermudagrass that spreads by above ground runners (stolons) and below ground rhizomes to form a lush green turf.
Due to its drought tolerance, TifTuf is replacing Tifway (419) as the new standard turfgrass in residential and commercial landscapes as well as other high use areas like parks and sports fields.
TifTuf is adaptable throughout typical Bermudagrass ranges in the Deep South, but displays greater cold tolerance than other types. In NTEP trials in Haysville, KS, in 2013-2014 TifTuf was recorded with over 90% survivability at -6°F outperforming Tifway and Celebration in the trials.
Adaptability Zones
One full zone hardier than other Bermudagrasses into Zone 6b. Range is from Zone 6b to 11a on the 2012 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map or Zones 1-3 on the Turfgrass Hardiness Map.
TifTuf goes dormant for the winter, but it offers excellent spring green up and green color retention into fall. Superior over Tifway for both these attributes.
Shade Tolerance
TifTuf thrives in full sun to partial shade. It is more shade tolerant than Tifway.
Drought Tolerance & Water Management
While other Bermudas survive drought conditions by going dormant and greening up at the first exposure to moisture, TifTuf stays green without going dormant under drought stress. In UGA tests it uses 38% less water than Tifway while maintaining better turf quality. Optimum water management, as with any grass, is dependent on soil physical characteristics and climate. While the watering rule-of-thumb for every other grass types is to provide 1” of water per week, in our southeastern climate TifTuf simply doesn’t need to be irrigated when grown in good soils once its roots are established.
Weed Tolerance
A well-maintained, vigorous TifTuf lawn with good turf density will inhibit weed establishment, but to be sure, use of a pre-emergent herbicide (specified for use on Bermuda lawns on the label) is recommended in the spring and fall. TifTuf is tolerant to most herbicides, but carefully read and follow all herbicide product labels.
Insect Tolerance
TifTuf is susceptible to the typical Bermudagrass insects, but recovers well with proper insect control.
Disease Resistance
Diseases are a minor problem with TifTuf when fertility is managed correctly. We recommend annual spring compost topdressing with our Soil3 organic compost to minimize disease impact (more info at soil3.com) and help control thatch.
Traffic & Wear Tolerance
TifTuf withstands wear and tear from “traffic” better than any other Bermudas, making it the best choice for high impact activities such as football, soccer, baseball, and golf. Because of its rapid growth rate, when managed properly, recovery is normally faster than other warm season grasses with the same amount of wear.
Apply between 3 and 6 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet annually, during the growing season. Select a fertilizer that is labeled for use on Bermudagrass lawns. Too much fertility will result in a thatchy and unhealthy lawn. Always fertilize based on a soil test. Don’t use high nitrogen “winterizers” in the fall. Compost topdressing with Soil3 and aerating in the spring, after spring green up, can supply one of TifTuf’s fertilizer applications for the year. The practice of compost topdressing with Soil3 is true organic lawn care.
Soil pH
Bermuda thrives on a neutral to alkaline soil with a pH range of 6 to 7. Do not apply lime to Bermuda without a soil test. Mowing Height: Maintain cutting height of 0.5-2 inches. Mowing may be required on a 4 to 7 day interval. Mow no more than 1/3 of the leaf off at one mowing. Use sharp mower blades. Can be mowed with rotary mowers or robotic lawn mowers.
TifTuf boasts aggressive establishment from sod during the growing season, yet TifTuf sod can be laid all year long, even when dormant. Complete sod establishment instructions are on our website. Because TifTuf is a sterile hybrid it is not available from seed.
TifTuf is only available as blue tag certified. The unauthorized/unlicensed commercial propagation or transfer of this product to third parties for such propagation is prohibited by the patent owner. Patten Seed Company/Super-Sod is a Licensed Grower of TifTuf in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee - and markets certified TifTuf in the Eastern US.