TifBlair Centipede Lawn Maintenance

From first seedling or piece of sod, we’ve been attentive to your TifBlair™ Centipede. You’ve monitored your new sod and watered until strong roots were apparent. Now, carefully follow these simple and specific maintenance instructions to get the most out of your low-input Centipede lawn. 

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Mowing your TifBlair Centipede Lawn

  • Mow at 1.5 to 2 inches cutting height.
  • Mow no more than 1/3 of the leaf off at one mowing. Use sharp mower blades and catch and remove clippings. Can be mowed with either reel or rotary mower.
  • TifBlair has the least mowing requirements of the turfgrasses; mowing may be required on a 10-to-14-day interval.
Mow when grass is this tall: 2 to 2.5 inches

Set cutting height of mower to:

1.5 to 2 inches

Watering TifBlair Centipede Sod

Water to supplement rainfall shortages only. Avoid fixed timer irrigation settings.

Though drought tolerant, Centipede performs best when it receives approximately 1 inch of water per week. If one or more inches of rainfall occurs in a week, additional irrigation is not necessary. (Example: if 1/2 inch of rain occurs within a growing week, apply 1/2 inch by irrigation.)

Do not waste water by over watering; avoid run-off and standing water for any period of time. To learn more here's insight on How and When to Water Your Lawn.

Become a master at watering your lawn when you read all our Watering Guides.

Fertilizing TifBlair Centipede Sod

  • Centipede thrives with low nitrogen fertilizer, so fertilize with Super-Sod’s Starter & Centipede Formulation 5-10-30 + Iron, which can be purchased at your local Super-Sod store. Fertilize according to the table below and according to soil test recommendations.
  • TifBlair may not even need fertilizing. Never apply fertilizer to a Centipede lawn without first running a soil test.
  • If it does need fertilizer, apply between 1 and 2 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet annually, during the growing season. Select a fertilizer that is labeled for use on Centipedegrass lawns. Do not apply fertilizer to wet turf to avoid burning.
  • Too much nitrogen fertility will result in a thatchy and unhealthy lawn.
  • Centipede thrives on acidic soil with a pH range of 5.0 to 6.0. Do not apply lime to Centipede without a soil test.
  • Read about How to Calculate Fertilizer Rates.
  • Read more Fertilizer Tricks for Your Centipede Lawn.

Weed, Pest and Disease Control for TifBlair Centipede

  • Centipede's open growth can encourage the weed population to grow. Use of a pre-emergent herbicide, recommended for use on Centipede lawns on the label, is strongly recommended in the spring and fall.
  • Apply pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control products that are specifically labeled for Centipede grass. Do not apply pre-emergents 4 months prior to seeding TifBlair seeds or laying new sod.
  • Apply weed control according to the table below. Read and follow all label directions.
  • Pests can become a problem, especially if centipede is not growing healthily (too much fertilizer or water, etc.).
  • For assistance with weed identification and pest control contact your nursery/garden center, landscaper, or local Cooperative Extension Service agent, or browse our Weed of the Month section.

Look up Super-Sod's yellow spreader settings here.

Fertilizer & Weed Control (lbs/1000 sq.ft.)
FEB 0-0-7 w/ pre-emergent @ 6 lbs. first week
APRIL 5-10-30 + Iron @ 5 lbs. middle of month
JUNE 1-0-1 Granulated Iron @ 5 lbs. first week
AUG 5-10-30 + Iron @ 5 lbs. middle of month
SEPT 0-0-7 w/ pre-emergent @ 6 lbs. middle of month
OCT Professional fungicide middle of month

Note: TifBlair may not even need fertilizing. Never apply fertilizer to a Centipede lawn without first running a soil test.

Additional TifBlair Maintenance

  • Fungus Control: Centipedegrass lawns are susceptible to fungus during the cold, wet winter months. It is best to take preventative action and apply fungicide in autumn by following the schedule below.

Order Fungicide

OCT Professional fungicide middle of month
  • Thatch Removal: Periodically it may be necessary to remove accumulated thatch. This is best accomplished just before turf turns green (which is approximately late winter in the coastal plain and spring further north). Scalp or rake heavily and remove debris.

More TifBlair Centipede Info: