Low Maintenance: TifBlair Centipedegrass
The lawn for minimalists
Lowest fertility requirement
Loves acid soil
Full sun or bright shade
Slow growth = less mowing
Sun or Shade? Both. ☀️🌤
TifBlair Centipedegrass is a turfgrass adaptable to sun or bright shade.
TifBlair lawns require at least 6-7 hours of direct sun every day to maintain dense growth. It's tolerant of shade the rest of the day if that shade is bright, filtered shade such as under pine trees or hardwoods that are limbed up high (called "high shade"). We have articles to help you determine if your yard is too shady for grass and we offer tips on how to make it a little more sunny, if necessary.
TifBlair Centipede is a Warm-Season Grass
The term "warm season" means it's green during the warm growing season; going dormant after frost. Even though it's dormant during winter, it can still be walked and played on.
Unique to any other type of Centipedegrass, TifBlair lawns can be planted as sod and seed. TifBlair sod can be installed during the growing season when the grass is green. TifBlair seed is best planted during the growing season when the ground is warm and there is no danger of frost.

Low maintenance = environmentally friendly
- Lowest fertility requirements of all lawns; grows well on poor soils
- It may never need fertilizing - saving time, lowering cost, and reducing inputs
- Loves acidic pH (that's a low pH) - no need to raise the pH with lime
- Slowing growing - needs less mowing
- Drought tolerant; it goes dormant in extended drought, greening up again when rain returns

Where to Use TifBlair
Use in residential and commercial landscapes throughout the Deep South where maintenance budgets are small and turfgrass expectations high.
- Home lawns & commercial landscapes
- Public & private parks
- Roadsides & Airports - a non-attractant for Canada geese and deer, for safety reasons Centipedegrass is a good choice for airports and highways
- All sod and turfgrass needs in the Deep South, from Birmingham to Atlanta, then from Charlotte to Raleigh and all points southward
- Zones 7b to 11a on the 2012 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map or Zones 1-2 on the Turfgrass Hardiness Map
TifBlair's Other Assets
- Light green color
- Medium-textured blade
- Heat tolerance
- Full sun; tolerant of partial shade or some bright filtered shade (pine shade or high shade)
- Stays greener longer in the fall and greens up earlier in the spring than common Centipede turfgrass

Unique & versatile methods of establishment
Sodding and seeding result in beautiful lawns that, in time, will look the same. The differences, in brief:
- Sod costs more, but offers instant impact
- Sod cost more, but is easier to take care of during the establishment phase
- Seed costs less, but the trade off is in your time and effort

Shop TifBlair Centipedegrass Sod & Seed
TifBlair Centipede Articles
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